live in - translation to ελληνικό
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live in - translation to ελληνικό

live in         
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live wire         
Live wire; Livewire (villain); Live Wire; Livewire (TV Show); Livewires; The Live Wire; Livewire (disambiguation); Live Wire (song); LiveWire; The Live Wire (film); Live Wires
ηλεκτρισμένον σύρμα, δραστήριο άτομο
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live in


/layv/ adv.
to come live (this telecast is coming to you live from Wimbledon)
/liv/ v.
1) to live dangerously; high
2) (d; intr.) to live by ('to adhere to') (to live by certain principles)
3) (d; intr.) ('to exist') to live for (they live only for their children)
4) (d; intr.) ('to subsist') to live off, on (they live on her salary; you cannot live on love alone; to live off one's parents)
5) (D; intr.) ('to survive') to live to (she lived to ninety)
6) (d; intr.) ('to cohabit') to live with (they live with each other) 7 (colloq.) (d; intr.) to live with ('to tolerate') (can you live with this arrangement?)
8) (E) she lived to regret her decision; he lived to be ninety
9) (P; intr.) ('to reside') to live in the country
10) (misc.) they live beyond their means ('they spend more than they earn'); to live from hand to mouth ('to eke out a bare living'); to live from day to day ('to be concerned only with the present'); to live together ('to cohabit')


Live in
Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για live in
1. "You will never live in peace until we live in peace," he says.
2. "We are people who live in peace and want to live in peace.
3. Most live in California; several thousand families live in the greater Washington region.
4. Deirdre and Kathryn still live in West London, while Geraldine and Michael now live in Ireland.
5. That‘s street.‘" "‘Levi, you don‘t live in Roxbury,‘ explained Zora slowly. ‘You live in Wellington....